13 Feb 2012

Things That Make You Go "Hey hang on a minute"

Post Office
So when you go to the post office to mail a package, they test to see if it will fit through their standard letter box template. Invariably it doesn't, so they charge you more money.
However, when the postman delivers he stands there with his foot behind the package and rams it through your letter box.

I finally discovered a use for the fast food giant. You know the little pots that they have so that you can decant your own sauces? Well, they make perfect stock pots for freezing. Now you don't need Chef Marco, you can ask the kids to pick up a handful each time they visit Maccy D's and make your own.

Cold Hands
The beauty of having dogs is that when you come downstairs in a morning and sit there with cold hands, you can call the dog over and shove your hand under his armpit. Hey Presto, snuggly hands and fingers.

Whenever you watch films with aliens in them, the little sods are always farming human beings for food. We do that with animals, so if aliens ever landed on earth would we be in trouble? Or would they just say "Ahh what the hell, we do it"
Anyway just to hedge my bets I decided to become more vegetarian in my eating habits. It might not get me off the hook completely, but I might get a job as director of  food education or something like that if they come down to earth and take over.
Or, all of the above could be something to so with the fact that I discovered an Asian supplies warehouse and picked up a book on Asian cooking the same thickness as my back door step and quite a few of the recipes are vegetarian.
I like my meat anyway so I would never succeed in being a non meat eater. I could probably go as far as just eating fish because fish are not cuddly like cows are !!!!!!


  1. Replies
    1. :) It was the postman that made me smile. He left a card today instead of forcing it through the box. Maybe he secretly reads my blog.


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