6 Feb 2012

The Wanderer Returns

Today I have mostly been cleaning windows.

Let's start with a bit of humour shall we.

Well for what it's worth I'm back. The past month or so has been a bit of a sod. A return to full time work meant that I had to create a schedule and have some organisation in my life, something that I'm not fond of at the best of times. I did it, but I was left without any time to myself. Or at least it seemed that way and I didn't particularly like it.
Then I made the mistake of getting involved, rather than just doing what I was paid to do and suggested an idea to create more passing trade. "Great idea" they said "Go for it. It's your project"
A week later, last Wednesday to be exact, we were all made redundant.
So here I am, back where I was enjoying a relaxed but productive frugal existence. I have some rice wine and rice wine vinegar on the go, my house is once again spotless, made a new bed for one of the dogs, installed a new telephone line into the craft room so that I can move the computer upstairs, made 3 litres of Chicken stock and 2 bowls of soup to freeze, enjoyed a couple of hours of trudging through the snow with my doggies (they are happy this has happened :)) and here I sit at half past 3 in the afternoon trying to decide what to do next.
Being back at work full time made me think about the future and the fact that if I do accept full time employment in the future it will be for a non profit company. The upside to the redundancy is that the company I was working for have offered me free training courses for the Assessors Award and also for Petals training, a course which I was actually booked onto and had to cancel due to starting work with them.

I can now get back to volunteering at the community base and I have also volunteered to help out if possible with the local Soldiers Off The Streets venue.
I also need to contact the tutor at the dress making course to see if it's still possible to enrol.

I am still looking for a log burning fire or stove. I nearly gave in and went around the shops looking to buy one but my eagerness was stopped in its tracks when I saw the prices that were charging. HAHAHAHA £400 for a mini log burning fire? What are they on for god's sake? 
So it's back to freecycle and word of mouth for me mi dear.

I will be spending a few hours catching up with all your blogs over the next week, so don't yell at me if I ask a dumb question because I missed what's been happening in your life, hee hee


  1. Welcome back! I love the chinese sayings, i was laughing reading them out to my husband, he was laughing at my chinese accent!

  2. Great to see you back Christine, you certainly sound like your old self again!

    Sft x

  3. Welcome back Christine. Rice wine and rice wine vinegar on the go? That sounds intriguing!

  4. Wai com bac. Su pa poh ting.
    Loo fra Mum


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