23 Sept 2011

He Does it To Annoy Me

Okay, so when it comes to foraging I don't really go out of my way, I just collect whatever I come across as I am walking the dogs. It surprises me that considering so many people walk their own dogs on the same route, there is so much bounty left untouched. Not that I am complaining you understand, it just means that I have to take a bigger basket with me and reorganise my freezer a bit more often.
As more and more people turn to self sufficiency with their allotments and reclaimed land that was once just a pile of rubbish in order to grow fresh, organic produce to lay on their table, the hedgerows and woodlands remain relatively untouched.
The blackberries around here used to disappear pretty quickly and I had to be up early in the morning to get my basket full. So off I used to trot at 6am with my foraging basket hooked over my arm, clutching a mug of coffee and the dogs trailing behind. This year however, the berries have been ripening and dropping to the floor which causes me to wonder if my previous competitor in the Jam and pie making stakes, has moved away from the area.
Nevertheless, even though the berry season has all but ended,  there is plenty more produce to be had and largely left untouched by the locals because they either don't recognise it as edible, are unsure how to prepare or simply can't be bothered.

So, in order of collection, here is my afternoon's bounty.

Crab Apples - Make a lovely tarty apple sauce and not forgetting the ever popular, with me at least, crab apple jelly

Acorns - Bread, Pesto or a simple snack

Best left to fall to the ground but don't leave too long or they will soak up moisture. Even the green ones will turn brown after a few days on the window ledge

Acorn collecting frustrates me. Every evening I sort through the ones that have fallen to the ground and any which have holes in, I toss over my shoulder into the field so that I am not sorting through the same ones again next day. I am convinced however that the farmer watches me do this and after I leave, he comes down and throws them all back under the tree just to annoy me.
When it comes to sloes, the only thing I do with them is make gin. Actually, that not quite the truth. We tried making sloe gin once and it tasted absolutely foul. Obviously we are not brewers. The project went the same way as out Bath Bomb experiment and resulted in a disaster, but it was fun all the same.
These days I cheat and buy a bottle of gin from the supermarket and add the berries to it :)
Who would know eh?

Elderberry - wine, cordial, medicinal

My wine making skills are far better than my gin distilling and I love the Elderberry wines and cordials that I make. The medicinal recipe is also, surprisingly, alcoholic, because I mix it with Vodka or Bacardi, leave it for a few months and then put it into a bottle to use as a cold and flu remedy.

Nearly there but not. I'm keeping my eye on the rosehips because they are also a favourite in the winter medicine cupboard. Although they do take quite a bit of preparation, Rosehip syrup is a nice addition to the cupboard.

And on the way back we have a nice little sit down on the log and watch the world go by. Well, smoke a cigarette actually, but hey I earned it. My left arm is covered in nettle rash, there's a maggot crawling up my leg and my shoes are covered in freshly spread horse manure. Okay I admit to adding that bit for any locals who happen to read my blog in an attempt to putting them off foraging.


  1. Hello there, I am enjoying reading back through your blog. I would love to know what you do with acorns, pesto? I have never found anything to do with them before!

  2. Hiya, I never knew what to do with them either apart from using the tanin as a dye, until I found this website http://www.grandpappy.info/racorns.htm

    With the Pesto, I basically substitute the pine nuts for acorns. I have also mixed them into bread flour to add a bit of extra flavour.
    PS, I'm glad you are enjoying reading my musings :D


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