20 Nov 2011

Foraging Is Not Just For The Hedgerows

Yesterday was the fine day that I have been waiting for and I managed to get all my sofa and armchair cushion covers washed and dried. I finished wrestling them back on to the cushions this afternoon.
I had my usual slow start Sunday, in so much as I didn't get out of my dressing gown until 1:15pm but once I got started I achieved quite a lot. I wouldn't have been quite so late in moving if I hadn't stayed up until gone 2am watching TV.
I watched a film called The Station Agent about a guy who inherited an old railway station office and moved in there. All he wanted was to be left alone but everyone kept trying to befriend him. Eventually he relented and they became firm friends. It was one of those slow films but still had me engrossed.
When it finished I was halfway through a coffee, so I flicked through the channels and started watching a programme about the wildlife in Yellowstone park, which was a bad choice because I couldn't drag myself away until I found out if all the animals managed to survive the winter.

Foraging is not just for the hedgerows
Here are three links to free ebooks if you fancy having a little foray into foraging whilst you are on your daily walk or even a saunter down to the shops.
The guides are in PDF format with the option to print out and keep as a colour pocket guide. There is also a recipe link on their website to give you some ideas of what to do with the food that you collect.

Urban Foraging Guide

Riverside Foraging Guide

The Cornwall Foraging Guide

Shaggy Parasol Mushrooms which I found in the woods

Checkout Challenge
Most of you thrifty Ladies and Gentlemen probably have this off to a fine art but I thought it worth a mention. I am referring to the sport of  'Tesco points foraging'
When you go to Tesco to do your shopping, don't automatically head for the nearest till to the exit. Go to the one furthest away. Once you have your shopping bagged up and walk to the exit, check every till on the way to the exit and look for receipts. There are Club Card points to be had by the bucket load, especially at the self service tills. Pick them up, sort through the ones with unclaimed points and next time you visit get them put onto your Club Card. I find the best times to do this are lunchtime and between 5 and 7pm. It's probably because folks just nip in quickly and all they can think about is getting back to work or home for the evening.
Try it for a month and see how many extra points you manage to collect. I would love to see how everyone gets on.
I got 32 points this afternoon.


  1. I loved that movie The Station Agent.

    Anne xx

  2. Thanks for the film recommendation. Haven't heard of it before!

    Yes, I've heard of receipt foraging.

    We found a receipt for 90 odd points in the car park once.

    Sft x

  3. I usually get caught up in something on TV and end up sitting up until the small hours.

    But that's the beauty about being retired, I can have a nice long lie-in!

    I must remember that about the points.

  4. @Anne - I could watch the movie again

    @SFT - My friend is like you. I pick up lots of tickets for a total of 10 points or something and she picks up 1 for a hundred

    @Anne - Nice long lie ins are good aren't they :)


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