18 Nov 2011

Back on My Feet

What a horrible couple of days.
I went to bad with backache the night before last and since waking up on Thursday morning have been hardly able to move. Luckily it seems to have gone and I can move around again.
As I was feeling better I decided to sort out a few things with British gas, the tax man and motor insurance. The tax man was very nice and is sending me some money. British Gas was very nice and are giving me a further discount. The insurance company was not very nice and I am about to get into a battle with them. I will not sit idly by and stand for their diatribe in an attempt to rip me off.
Okay that's off my chest :D

I was unable to go sealed pot hunting so am still without, but I have plenty of time before the start date of 4th December.
Things I have discovered in the past two days....
  • Daytime TV is terrible
  • The dogs are not happy and are a constant pest when you can't take them for a walk
  • My sofa is not as comfy as I thought it was
  • My ironing needs doing. In future I will hide it somewhere that I can't see it.
  • Lying on the sofa during the day allows me to see dust building up on surfaces at eye level. Couple that fact with looking at the ironing pile and a bad back is the least of my worries
  • Trying to dust and do ironing when you have a bad back is not a good idea and only worsens the problem, causing you to lie down and look at the ironing pile and dust once again
  • Being badly is good for frugality but soup becomes boring
Anyway, now that I back amongst able bodied society I went to the Coop and got a jar of Kahari cook in sauce for 39p. I don't have any lamb so its chicken kahari for tea tonight. After a few days of soup, it will be like a feast.

Food spend for the week, erm, 39p


  1. Bad backs - rough
    People who mess you around - get tough
    Dust - a load of fluff
    Ironing - more than enough
    Dogs - woof, woof
    Back better - good stuff
    Love from Mum


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