28 Dec 2011


Here we are in between Christmas and new year and for some reason I'm feeling a bit bored. It shouldn't happen because I have plenty to do but I think the psychology of 'Holiday period' has taken over. I watched the film Horrible Bosses last night and killed myself laughing. It was on the same level as The Hangover and really enjoyable. I haven't gotten around to watching Hangover 2 just yet. Can anyone recommend it, or not?

I'm embarrassed to admit it but this frugal, foraging, self sufficient Woman has run out of pickled beetroot. How did that happen then? Reminder to self, make more for next year.

Well Christmas day was a mixture of stress and fun but overall a fantastic day and night, spent with family, good food, humour, Twister and plans for the year ahead.
As you know, I was in charge of the dinner and had everything planned down to the last pea, due to Mum's oven being tiny and having 3 different roasts to cook to satisfy everyone's taste buds.
I had to get in the car and drive back to my house because I forgot the Christmas pudding but other than that there was only one little hiccup. Everyone was due to arrive at 2:15 for dinner. At 1:20 I discovered that whilst I was away getting the pudding, Mum had turned the oven off, rather than down to a lower heat, so the roast spuds and veg were no where near ready.
Everything turned out alright in the end though and we had a lovely family dinner. The pudding never got eaten because I stuffed everyone with the main course hee hee.

My Sister in law is a self sufficiency convert. Woohoo. Having packed in her job in order to slow down and started teacher training, she has loads of time on her hands and has been off walking, pheasant shooting and gutting and generally embracing the self sufficient ideal. Now I have to teach her how to forage. You should have seen my brothers face when she announced that half their back garden was going to be turned into a chicken run and veg plot.

Myself and J have been planning our growing and foraging calendar for next year and started collecting materials to build a greenhouse and cold frame in our gardens. I still can't find a log burner at the right price and the biding on eBay annoys me. There is a store on there who have loads of log burners with no reserve and people keep bidding ridiculous money rather than biding their time.

I'm not getting as much time to blog these days due to the pressure of course work, but there is only one more module to do so I should be back to normal pretty soon.

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