1 Jan 2012



There's a good word and I have been saying it a lot today.

I sometimes wish that I never learned to read. Then I wouldn't need bookshelves, would have more room in my house, wouldn't have to play librarian every month and gather them from all around the house to put back on the shelves and wouldn't have to ring around friends when I realise that books are missing, to find out if they have them.
Ha ha, whilst I was sorting my books out I got a text message from J asking if I could help her move some furniture. When I walked into her house, the furniture was............bookshelves. So I started all over again :)

This morning I saw a chest freezer advertised on Freecycle and emailed the poster to see if they still had it and could I collect. An hour later I was having coffee with J and she said,
"There was a chest freezer on freecycle this morning and I applied for it but he hasn't got back to me yet"
We really must co-ordinate our efforts.
Following that little episode we sat down and figured out which seeds we want for this years planting and sent out the word to friends and family by jungle drum, or as it's more commonly known, mass email.
J is busy making little plant pots from old newspaper so that the seedlings can go straight in the ground, paper and all without disturbing the roots.
Between us we made a tidy profit from Asda's 10% cheaper deal by taking in the vouchers, buying clothing, returning it next day and splitting the cash between us. Not sure how long this will last though.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about seeds as they do have a best before date don't they.

    Well done on the freezer.

    Sft x


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