1 Dec 2011


You never know what's going to come your way and you should always follow up on those little subconscious ideas. On the way back from town this morning I suddenly decided to detour past my daughters house and pop in for coffee.
Whilst I was there, my son in law walked in with a carrier bag, dropped it on the kitchen side and said
"There you go, you are always telling us not to throw things away until we have checked with you"
In the bag was this lot. 2 Packs of Puff Pastry, 1 pack of Dessert Pastry, 1 Penne Pasta bake and a bag of Hash Browns.

Then I spied a tin on top of their kitchen cupboards and thought "Hmmm that would be perfect for the sealed pot challenge.

A few minutes later my daughter started brushing her teeth at the kitchen sink and explained that they had ripped out the bathroom sink this morning. I logged into Freecycle for a quick look and guess what was on offer? A brand new basin and pedestal.
Not bad for a quick visit eh?

Oh and my new book arrived the other day. River Cottage Preserves. Time to get busy in the kitchen again I think.

Did anyone watch Kirstie last night. The part where she was on the stall with the lady who made the hand scrub?
That is so simple and I shall be making a few of those for Christmas presents if I can find some suitable jars.

I have been spending a lot of time on the energyshare website lately, trying to figure out how someone like me has a cat in hell's chance of understanding anaerobic digestion systems and even less chance of getting support and understanding from my local community in working together to find the land, the permission and the technical know how to actually get one up and running for the village.

I also discovered by accident this afternoon about something called Community Right to Reclaim Land, which was spooky because when I walked the dogs yesterday I looked at a huge bit of waste land that I pass daily and thought that it would be good if I knew who to contact in order to turn that land into allotments.
It turns out that the land is public sector asset. Guess who will be digging around in the local council next week?

I had to post this. Girl falls off bike, listen to her reaction


  1. I jumped out of my skin. I'll have to go and have a wine now to calm myself down!
    Love from Mum

  2. Christine, you really don't look old enough to have children who've left home.

    I would be overjoyed with those food goodies too. What a result!

    I love your sealed pot! Mine is going to look the same as this years unless I get some inspiration.

    Sft x

  3. Goodness, I got such a fright. You really are very naughty. :)
    Have a great day!
    Anne xx

  4. @Mum - yeah yeah, blame me for your alcoholic tendencies why don't you :D I will post a really scary one tomorrow so that you have an excuse to drink the whole bottle. Mind if I join you?

    @Sft - my oldest turned 30 this year. I think I made the hole in my sealed pot a bit big. It must have been a subconcious throw back to sticking my fingers in the return coin slot on telephone boxes when I was little.

    @Anne - I wasn't expecting it either when I watched it at midnight last night. Even the dog jumped. Hope you had a good day too.

  5. Hi, I'm just calling in again to award you the Leibster Blog award. I hope you'll pass it on to your favourite blogs. Call in on my blog for more details.
    Love from Mum
    PS That deserves a little toast doesn't it? Cheers!


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