23 Oct 2011


After getting out of bed at 10am, drinking my first coffee of the day and watching the sunlight slowly getting stronger, I decided to hang out the laundry which has been sat in the machine since yesterday evening.When I opened the door and stepped outside, my friend and her husband were sat there chatting. Paul started laughing his head off as soon as he saw me. Standing there with my hair all over the place, big blue towelling robe with the collar pulled up, fluffy yellow socks, purple flip flops, clutching my wash basket and the peg bag hanging from the belt of my robe, he commented,
"Its funny how girls never look quite the same first thing in a morning as they do, the rest of the day"
"Is it the socks?" I replied "It's the socks isn't it?"

He made me a fresh coffee, Jules threw me a blanket, which I wrapped around my legs and we sat there in the mid morning sunshine, chill in the air, doing our best to wake up and decide what to do for the rest of the day. We decided that the best course of action would be to do nothing in particular.
As we chatted the conversation turned to life coaching and then to the Dalai Lama's 20 steps to achieving karma.
20 steps?
I can do it in 3.
Jump in the car. Drive to the nearest shopping centre. Do what comes naturally. There you have it. Karma.

Anyway, once I woke up I decided to clean the kitchen from top to bottom. That idea went to pot when I changed my mind and started mixing dough and pastry to make Bread and Apple pies. After which I went into the garden and cut some fresh spinach to make Spinach & Ricotta Gnocchi. It's now a race to use up all the spinach in the garden before it all goes to waste. The trouble is that the stuff just keeps on growing and there is no room left in my freezer. Nor is there any room left in next doors freezer, or my families freezers. Hee hee I seem to have had a good year with veg and supplied all my nearest and dearest. If I actually get my allotment, god only knows what I am going to do with all the food, but I will cross that bridge when I come to it.
One thing I would like to do is turn it into a little eco village. A private commune kind a thing but with just me as the member. As I was browsing through my Frugal Lifestyle links yesterday I came across Tiny Houses, which led to eco houses etc. From there I made the decision to try and construct my own little buildings on the allotment, rather than buy a shed and what have you. I love this little house. Here's a link to the site

Whilst the bread dough was next to the boiler for a couple of hours I went down to Mum's for a natter and she was feeling a bit low because her friend is away for 3 months. She was talking about knitting and crotchet so we dug out all her stuff to sort out a range of needles and see what wool she has. What she had was a cupboard full of the stuff. Half finished cardigans, scarfs, hats, bags and blankets, either knitted or croched. She couldn't be bothered with them so we sat there pulling them out and ravelling the wool into balls. It's years since I sat and did that with Mum.
I came away with half the stuff we found in the cupboard, so I should be kept busy for a while with crochet, cross stitch and knitting. To pass the time until her firiend gets back we are going to knit squares and make a blanket between us. She just called me to let me know that she has done 6 rows hee hee. Bless her.

Meanwhile back in the kitchen my dinner is ready

Spinach, Ricotta and Mushroom Gnocchi with Parmesan and Salad, with fresh baked bread


  1. Hi Christine,

    Just had time to read this post before I set off on a walk.

    I too am a fan of the tiny houses. Could do it on my own but Mr Sft has 'stuff'-all related to his D and D hobby. Still our cottage is a 1 bed and is pretty small.

    Looks like we have things in common!

    Sft x

  2. @Sft - I love the concept of the tiny houses but realistically I'm not sure I could live in one. However, I wasn't sure that I could go 2 weeks without spending a single penny, but I managed it :)
    I suppose it's a case of getting used to it. Time will tell.


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