27 Oct 2011


Today's Weather To Do List View From My Window
Raining Make a batch of Herby breadcrumbs
Make a pot of bird food
Visit Telephone box library
Check front bike tyre
Make a jam strainer

Today has been dull, damp and dreary. A perfect day to be getting on with all the little odd jobs that need doing, but rather than get on with them, the weather just depressed me and I haven't done anything really. I would much rather have had torrential rain because I love it. I'm one of those strange folk that actually enjoy getting wrapped up, donning my waterproofs and merrily strolling up the fields with the dogs in the pouring rain. Nature glistens and the countryside is devoid of people.
The dog's seem to enjoy it too, unless it's thundering.
Each time I went to the window to see if the rain had started yet, the dogs joined me with their paws on the window ledge, peering out hopefully and turning to look at me as if to say "Are we going Mum?
And each time I looked down at them and said "Not yet, let's wait a while"
Eventually we wandered out there and just got muddy. It wasn't cold or pleasantly sopping wet, it was just dull, damp and dreary and it has left me feeling the same way. There was only one thing for it...The special treat, cappuccino cup and a curl up in the chair with the local paper to see if anything interesting is happening at the weekend.

I need a van or a trailer for the car. Yesterday I saw someone on freecycle offering a 4m x 3m conservatory. If I had a van I would have collected it to make a greenhouse.
Checked the tyres on the bike this morning and they are fine. I was going to take it for a test run but it's wet outside and the bike doesn't have mudguards. 

I watched Kirstie's Handmade Britain last night and found myself wanting to have a go at making everything I saw in the show. I also imagine that everything I make, will end up with the same comments as Kirstie's card,  "It looks like it was made by a child"
Never the less, I still want to make everything and I will, eventually. Somewhere along the line I will find something that I am good at.

The telephone box library was an absolute mess when I arrived, books and DVDs all over the floor. I didn't find anything of interest today but spent 10 minutes having a tidy up and generally playing librarian. The almond tree has given up the ghost but I have a good supply already.

1 comment:

  1. Today was a bit dull wasn't it? And my family came round and all we did was sit around.

    Hoping tomorrow will be brighter and more cheerful! Then hopefully you'll get out on the bike!

    I need to stretch my legs too.

    Love the view from your window.

    Sft x


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