2 Oct 2011

Put It In Your Diary

"Put October 4th in your diary" he says


"iphone5 release" he says

"Why? I don't see the fascination personally"

"Ok look, lets say you are driving down the road and cant find the lawyers office that you are going to. All you have to do is get out your iphone, google his address, put the information into the gps and whammo!! sorted"

"If I don't know where his office is why don't I just call him before I leave home and ask for directions? That way I can find out where to park and make sure that I am there on time"

"Yes but it may be hard to find and that's where the iphone comes into it's own"

"I could wind down the window and ask someone. Do you think that might work?"

"Huh, yeah okay but what if it's raining"

"Good point. Is there an app that will teleport me inside the lawyers office?

Why? Why are people so reliant on stuff like that? What is so difficult in applying a little forethought into our life?
Everyone has gone mad, they are so reliant on other people and technology that their life is no longer their own. There is no wonder that society has lost the skills that we once had. If someone else doesn't do it for us, we are screwed. "Oh hell, now what do I do" and it breeds this I can't, I won't, It's not possible attitude that has caused so much moral apathy.

The friend that I was speaking to in the conversation above has been going on about the release of the iphone 5 for ages now and it seems as though his life is on hold until it is released and when apple finally release it, he will no doubt be stressed because he can't get hold of one quick enough. Needless to say, his iphone 4 will be no use whatsoever and will miraculously cease to work due an outdated app such as the numbers that you have to push to make a call. Suddenly he will have forgotten how to do that and it won't be possible to resume person to person contact until he has the new model with new shiny buttons that double up as some form of aid to cleaning the house and putting his socks in the wash basket.

And if he ever misplaces, loses, or has it stolen....well I am staying away from him until he gets an iphone 6

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