14 Dec 2011

Everything Happens For A Reason

Everything Happens For A Reason

I am a great believer in that quote and events of today support my belief. I wasn't going to accept this new job that I have but in the end I did. The building that we occupy was previously used as a shop selling fireworks. Prior to that it was a cafe.

Today in a period of inactivity I had a nosey around the place and found a cellar. In the far corner of the cellar was a pile of rubbish and underneath it all was this old pop bottle crate. To most people its just an old crate, in fact my colleague looked at me gone out when I ran up the cellar steps screaming "LOOK WHAT I FOUND" To me, this is a thing of beauty and when dusted off will be even more beautiful. I have been looking for old crates for the past few weeks and now i have my first one.

Further foraging in the cupboards revealed bags and bags of styrofoam cups, dishes and trays, which had been earmarked for the wheelie bin. They are now in my shed waiting to be recycled into other things. I also found 4 picture frames, off cuts of wood which I can use for my indoor 'Window Ledge Greenhouse' and an assortment of cleaning solutions, so regardless of what decisions I make in the future about this job, I come out ahead.

I also got round to making some more hand scrub this morning before I went to work. I don't think that many things could be quite as simple.For the container I used old jam jars, the little ones that you can get from the supermarket for 19p.
Amazingly the mixture is absolutely perfect for this size of jar.

1 Tbsp Sugar
1 Tbsp olive Oil
1 drop of your favourite essential oil (I used Neroli)
Grate a little bit of Lime or Lemon peel into the mix, give it a good stir and spoon it into the jar. When you come to use it, just wash your hands with it as if it were soap and when you rinse it off under the tap, use the lemon or lime to rub over your hands to help cut through the oil. This size jar will give you 3 or 4 uses.
Last time I made it, I put Lime juice into the mix to try and get a nice colour, but when I used it, the mixture had split slightly and it kinda just washed straight off before the oil had chance to soak into my skin. This time I didn't add any juice at all and it was a bit too oily, so I will need to play with the mixture a little bit until I get it right. I will let you know how I get on with that.

Comments on my last post -
Anne- ha ha glad you enjoyed the read
Rainbowchild - I am reliably informed that doing a client my way is not as profitable


  1. I'm pleased you found the items to 'recycle' if it had been anyone else they may have skipped them.
    The scrub sounds good too, Kirsty made some didnt she the other week, did you see it? Is it a similar recipe?

  2. @Anne - Yes it's the same recipe from the channel 4 web site


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