3 Nov 2011

Recycling Challenge Day 2

Oh dear, today has been one huge 'FAIL' day.

  • Buy and fit the table top - FAIL (Bought but not fitted)
  • Sew and fit the valances - FAIL
  • Make tomato chutney - FAIL
  • Bake a cake - FAIL (In my defence, 'J' didn't bake her infamous soggy chocolate brownie either)
  • Visit a friend - FAIL
  • Ship my eBay sales - FAIL (packed but not posted)
  • Start work on a business website - FAIL
  • Decide what to recycle for Day 2 of the challenge - FAIL - (but it's only 5pm so I still have time)
  • Decide which wellies to buy- FAIL
  • Visit the charity shops - DONE (With mucho gusto. Surprise Surprise)

Charity Shops, aka, Veni Vida Visa - I came. I saw, I spent a little (too much)
I had a great time today in town, heh heh and what's more I didn't even visit all the charity shops because I couldn't carry any more bags and the walk back to the car was a nightmare with the bags bouncing off my legs and my arms aching with the weight of the books that I bought.  Luckily 'J' wants to go into town tomorrow so I will pop in with her. Here's what I found.
Charity Shop Alley

Craft Books

Photo Paper for my autumn wall art project

Cute Tin, couldn't leave it on the shelf

 Pot Boot. I already have one of these but it's a brown one. Now I have one for each foot.

 Lovely little wicker basket. I can't resist baskets.

I also bought a roll of sticky labels for my jars of produce, dress making scissors, two spools of cotton, 2 sheets of plywood and a sheet of white faced hardboard for the craft table, 5 stocking fillers for Christmas presents, 2 cups of coffee and a slice of quiche.
My plan to leave those blue ornaments on the shelf in British Heart Foundation seems to have worked. They were gone when I walked in there today.
Total spend for the day was £51.41 and I didn't even buy a pair of winter boots. I couldn't find any that I liked actually so tomorrow I will take my old ones in to town, get them stitched and they will be good as new.
The slice of quiche that I bought for dinner was solid. I put the side of my fork into it and it just didn't give at all. I stood up to take it back to the counter but when I saw the queue, I sat down again, wrapped it up and brought it home for the dogs. When I microwaved it, it returned to an edible state so me and the dogs shared it.
As I walked in the house, the heavens opened and the sky went black. Perfect timing I thought, so I kicked off my shoes, threw my coat over the back of the chair and my carrier bags on the sofa, made a coffee and sat down to sort through my shopping whilst watching the rain bounce of the patio. I love autumn and winter weather.

FAIL day maybe, but I still thoroughly enjoyed it. Hope you all enjoyed yours just as much.


  1. Here's a tip - don't make lists and then you don't have to fail if you've not achieved anything. I think you achieved (and acquired) a heck of a lot. No wonder you found it hard to get back to the car. Well done on your haul. I love baskets too.
    Love from Mum

  2. I wouldn't call your day a failure, rather a success. I love the look of those craft books and the tin, I wouldn't have left it there either. Tomorrow is another day, more opportunities for ticking off your list. Have fun whatever you do. :)
    Anne xx

  3. Great charity shop treasures Christine! I love that tin and the basket.

    Sft x


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