1 Nov 2011


Today's Weather: Bright sunshine with a little shower

View From My Window: No view today, two views tomorrow

Started the day by taking Mum down to Marks and Sparks for her luxury goods. Well you know, even I like the food at Marks.
Regardless of my frugal ways, Marks and Spencer and the Wednesday market at Barnsley will remain with me for life because I was brought up on them.

My trip to the dump it site netted me 7 square yards of red leatherette that a couple of bar fitters were disposing of, which was great. Expensive stuff is thick leatherette.

One of the good things about your best friend and next door neighbour being a frugalista...is that a word? Be right back, just need to google it.....
.......well it appears that it is, albeit more urban dictionary than mainstream. Anyway I digress. One of the best things is that when either of us goes foraging in the wilds or indeed, in the local shops and we come across something good, we share our bounty.
We were sat outside having a coffee last evening when her hubby came back home with a carrier bag full of stuff from the supermarket.
Honey roast ham down from £2.39 per pack, to 29 pence. He bought the lot, ha ha 4 packs. Wonderful. Now I need to bake half a dozen tea cakes to make sandwiches.

When I was snapping photos of the autumn foliage today I had an idea to turn the pics into wall hangings. This is the kind of thing I'm hoping to achieve, which will depend on how big I can blow them up without losing quality. Three photos hanging next to each other.

Heh heh I had to show you this photo. I mentioned the word 'Swim' and they were off. Which made me wonder if I should even bother trying to teach them to run alongside my bicycle, or just put them in front and yell "Mush"
Why pedal if I don't need to eh?

I still keep reading blogs about people decluttering and still can't bring myself to throw things out or give them away. Nevertheless I am going to have a shot at it with a little twist.
Starting tomorrow, rather than getting rid of things, I have set myself the challenge of USING at least one thing per day for the next 29 days. That should keep me busy and declutter a bit.
Or maybe it just means that things will migrate from the shed to the house. We shall see.
Wish me luck, I believe I may fail on this one.

Thank you to everyone who attended Mum and Sft's Tea parties, it was a pleasure to make your aquaintance and I will follow your blogs with much anticipation. ha ha no pressure to blog daily, at all.

Take care all. See you tomorrow


  1. I'm having great difficulty keeping up with my 31 day challenge. I really don't like throwing things away, especially since I've been collecting things that will come in handy one day (They will really!). Good luck with your challenge. I will follow closely.
    Love from Mum

  2. I LOVE THAT PHOTO OF THE DOGS! Good luck with your decluttering.

    Glad you enjoyed the tea parties.

    I think we'll have another one soon, especially in the summer, when the weather's beautiful.

    SFT X

  3. @SFT - hee hee wait until I strap the video camera to the bike and film them pulling me along.

    @Mum - I think I may struggle myself tomorrow with all the things that I have planned, but it wouldn't be very good if I failed on day 2 would it.


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