8 Nov 2011

Recycle Challenge Day 7

When I logged in this morning and saw thingies post over at Frugal Living UK my first thought was "OMG he stole my Mum"
I was quite sure I hadn't given birth to him and wondered if my Brother had something that he wasn't telling me. Did I have a long lost nephew?
haha, my mind wanders ya know.

Anyway, seeing the photo reminded me of a little project that I started quite some time ago after me, mum and my daughter sat looking through all the black and white family photo's. I wanted to put all the photos on DVD for Mum so that they would be preserved as a back up. The idea was to have photos of the whole family through the ages, including family holidays, birth,s deaths, everything.
Family holidays? Wow, that takes me back. We used to go en masse. Granparents, Aunties, Uncles, Cousins, all of us. It was like a mass exodus. Everyone into their car and off to Butlins Filey for a week at the height of the British Summer. It would have been easier for all of our Dad's to get together and hire a charabanc. It was either Butlins, or Mrs Barretts B&B at Blackpool.

Whenever I think of Mrs Barretts I always remember the spending rule. We were given our holiday monday as soon as we had unpacked, we could go look at the shops, we could pick up toys and play with them, we could buy anything for under 1 shilling but if we found toys that cost half a crown we had to wait until the last day of the holiday before buying it. The 'Value of money' idea was simple enough but murder for a 7 and 5 year old, on holiday, with more pocket money than they were likely to have for the rest of the year.

I only did a little bit of the DVD before I got sidetracked with other things, so I think I will go back to it and get it finished. Here's the start... if you don't like Jim Reeves, turn the sound off.

Recycling day 7 - Used up all the leaves that I pressed a few weeks ago and framed them. My artistic license seems to have expired but I like them.

Chair & Pouffe from Freecycle

Tea Set rescued from Mum's
My Mum that is. I didn't steal them from Mum at Simply living

Evening Meal: Sunday leftovers. Cold chicken with bubble and squeak.
Food spend for the day £1.65 on milk
Total for the week £2.42


  1. I am flattered that you think that I am young enough to be a son or nephew rather than a brother!
    That is a lovely way to preserve photos, thanks for sharing, I have a lot of old black and white photos that my mum found of even longer ago relatives and I scanned them in and had copies done, when I move I was going to frame them and hang them all together. One of them is of my great, great uncle Joe (who died way before I was born, obviously) and it is so spooky, because I look so very like him. I love looking at that picture.
    I am still in awe of your brilliant lack of spending on food! I must learn to forage.

  2. @Dan- Foraging will be a lot easier once you move eh and you should have plenty of room for a beg garden by the sound of it.

  3. With a forest on my doorstep, it should certainly be a wealth of free food. Am planning a veg garden and some fruit trees too.

  4. What a great way to show old photographs. Did you scan them to get them on DVD? Great artistic talent is showing through with your art work. Very autumnal. I wonder what your winter works will be?
    Well done on the no spend front. I am in awe.
    Love from Mum

  5. @Mum, yes I had to scan each one in and then edit them, which is probably the reason that I stopped the project. I have hundreds of photos from 3 generations to do.
    Winter works? probably a Christmas cake, scarf and gloves :)

  6. That DVD made me feel so emotional and it's not even my family. Must be the Jim Reeves, my mum's favourite singer..we always woke up to Silver Bells as children.

    Your Art work is great, what a brilliant way to display autumnal leaves.

    Sft x

  7. @SFT - hee hee it brings a tear to my eye every time I watch it.
    Thanks for your comments, all of you.


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