12 Nov 2011

Salmon and Goats Cheese Quiche

Smoked Salmon, Dill and Goats Cheese Quiche, with Potato Wedges

First of all I admit that the photo on the right there is not one of my quiche. I don't have a photo because I ate it already. I borrowed this one from google images.

You know when you make something and it's sooooo good that you wonder why you haven't made one before? Well that's what this quiche was like. So here's the recipe. It's not fancy and it doesn't really follow any culinary rules. It's just gorgeous and I made it because I needed to use up the food that I bought on special offers.


1 Potato
Goats Cheese
Spring Onion
2 Eggs
Dill (fresh or dried)
Salmon (I used a pack of smoked salmon that was on offer at the co-op)


Cut the potato into wedges and pop in the oven at 180C 
Make your self some normal pie pastry and line the bottom of a dish
Break in half the goats cheese
Sprinkle in chopped spring onions
Tear in half the spinach and spread it around in lumps
Add a sprinkling of Dill
Repeat the sequence until the pie dish is full and press the mixture down gently until it is firm but not solid
Beat 2 eggs, add salt and pepper and pour over the mix
Allow the egg to run into the mix. If it sits on top you have pressed too hard at the firming stage :)
Pop it in the oven at 180C until the pastry is golden brown, then take it out of the oven and allow it to cool for a while
Eat whilst it is still warm but not hot.

I hope you enjoy it.
Do you have any recipes that you just threw together? I would love to have them for my recipe book.


  1. Oh I am so glad you've posted this recipe, we're going to give it a try very soon!

    Sft x

  2. @Sft - You're welcome, hope you enjoy it as much as I did.


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